Comment to 'Pro Apps for Free?'
  • I'm more concerned about third party apps still on the market place that don't work. I get UNA wants us to work with third party devs to solve issues but it's really hard when third party devs don't have access to UNA Servers and UNA Devs don't prioritize ensuring third party app bugs are fixed. I still have an app that I paid $60 for and it doesn't work. Sent email to support and still no response from both third party dev or UNA Support. So I have an app that's badly needed for my site that when installed breaks the site yet the app is still on the marketplace. I would gladly pay an UNA Dev to fix the bugs so it's operable on my site but there is no real direct way to do this. A robust marketplace with apps that work is the answer. Any new site creator can accidentally start buying apps and quickly run into problems finding out alot of apps have bugs or aren't compatible and this will frustrate many new users who believe that all apps on the marketplace have been screened and are immediately usable. Waiting months for a dev to get back to finding the problem or a fix can put a site user quickly in the red plus add more expenses trying to get it fixed. Details on UNA Apps that distinguish wich ones aren't compatible with UNA Cloud users (Streaming App) and removing apps that no longer work. A healthy Marketplace that encourages third party Devs with testing standards before it is placed in the Market Place. I understand that some apps won't work with other apps. That's fine. I'm talking about Apps that by themselves will break a site.