Comment to 'Language key error'
  • Comment by unknown is hidden.
    • That key was being used until version 9.0.8. On version 9.0.13 they changed it for "_sys_acl_action_view_view_viewers_own". Maybe you need to refresh your cache to make it work with the new key.

      Or you can create a new key into the polyglot app and add the old missing key "_sys_acl_action_view_view_viewers". That will fix your issue.


      Senior Developer

      Why would the key be missing if WIll is doing auto updates using the autoupdater with updates from Boonex?  The real question is why that missing key is there?  You are telling him he needs to take action on a problem that occurred due to Boonex's own update system without really addressing the problem.  Now, Will was at version 9.0.1 with an upgrade to 10.0.0 showing in his studio.  No 9.0.8, and no 9.0.13.  I am guessing here that you are referring to beta releases and not full releases and that is why Will's site is broken.  Maybe this explains why WIll is seeing so much broken with his site after upgrading to 10.0.0.  I am wondering if needed changes from beta releases are now being rolled into the full releases.  This is exactly why I would never consider using UNA on a production site.  Maybe in ten years from now, maybe,

      • Comment by unknown is hidden.
        • That's ok, no worries, i or Geek Girl will try to follow and read what's on the link you provided. Yes after that upgrade it's a nightmare!