Comment to 'How to safely edit a user profile URL?'
  • Hello dear @LeonidS

    Thanks a lot for your reply.

    Instead I run the following query as i noticed that the url 'name-here' was used in many other modules, not in the bx_persons' module only:

    SELECT * FROM `sys_seo_links` WHERE `uri` = 'name-here';

    As you can see below, the results gave me the 'module' and the 'page_uri' that are using that url. (bx_persons, bx_ads, bx_organizations, bx_albums, bx_channels, bx_courses, bx_forum etc)

    My question is: Can I safely change the `uri` value: 'name-here' in the `sys_seo_links` table for all those modules? Because it doesn't make any sense to change the profile url only (bx_persons) while the old name (old url) will still be used in other modules.

    Please could you give me the query to update it for all the modules in the `sys_seo_links` table at once?


    Below is the results after running the query above. I have just posted the 'module' and 'page_uri' (columns) using the url 'name-here':

    bx_persons ! persons-profile-friends

    bx_persons ! persons-profile-relations

    bx_ads ! ads-offers

    bx_organizations ! view-organization-profile

    bx_organizations ! edit-organization-profile

    bx_organizations ! invite-to-organization

    bx_organizations ! delete-organization-profile

    bx_organizations ! organization-profile-friends

    bx_organizations ! organization-profile-subscriptions

    bx_organizations ! organization-profile-info

    bx_organizations ! organization-profile-fans

    bx_organizations ! organization-profile-comments

    bx_ads | ads-author

    bx_albums | albums-author

    bx_channels | channels-author

    bx_courses ! joined-courses

    bx_forum ! discussions-author

    bx_events ! joined-events

    bx_files ! files-author

    bx_glossary ! glossary-author

    bx_groups ! joined-groups

    bx_market ! products-author

    bx_organizations ! joined-organizations

    bx_photos ! photos-author

    bx_polls ! polls-author

    bx_posts ! posts-author

    bx_shopify ! shopify-author

    bx_snipcart ! snipcart-author

    bx_spaces ! joined-spaces

    bx_timeline ! timeline-view

    bx_videos ! videos-author

    bx_organizations ! edit-organization-pricing

    bx_persons ! persons-profile-favorites

    bx_organizations ! organization-profile-favorites