Comment to 'Conversations on Mobile view needs fixed'
  • Ok, well as a user on mobile...I don't really ever think about swiping right or left to read things. It's always up or down.

    On the membership page on mobile, people don't know that they can swipe left and get to the donation monthly button. This decreases my chances of people seeing it and probably never joining.

    As you can see...there's no scroll bar to let the people know that they need to scroll sideways to be able to see the donate monthly button.

    This is going to be one of my biggest issues with the whole argument that the site is "Responsive" but yet it lets things go out of the bounds of it's containers.

    Is there any way to put these things in containers that don't force you to scroll right or left?

    I know this seems trivial to you, but most of my users are on their phones. And I know Andrew says that there's no need for a "Native App"...because the site is responsive...but I personally think that a Native App wouldn't be a bad idea...


    Here's one of my biggest complaints with the inbox (conversations) on mobile:

    • There's such a huge gap between the picture and the words and I pretty much have no idea what the message is about.
      • is there any way to shrink that down?
    • At least give me more of the subject?

    Speaking of Subject: (I'll make a separate discussion for this)

    • Can you add a Subject Line (when writing the original post) that is separate from the whole conversation.

    I noticed that the (subject line) is always the first sentence(s) and ends up being huge!

    Just like on "Discussions" give us a Subject line for the Conversations. That would help out a lot.