Comment to 'sell Una licences - is that possible?'
  • Hi Perciflex - we don't allow the reselling of UNA licenses for a very good reason - it would be an incongruous business proposition and bad for everyone in the UNA Community. We very rarely sell UNA Permanent Licenses any more and if we do, we sell them for about $3000. The Boonex Dolphin licenses that we agreed to convert into UNA Permanent licences, were offered as goodwill to long term clients, but it is ultimately bad business for UNA, and ultimately doesn't serve anyone in the UNA community. In truth, for a viable web site, paying a software cost of about $600 per year (the cost for an UNA Pro subscription) is actually really cheap , and should represent only a very small percentage of your business turnover if that business is to be viable.

    Very few software providers offer permanent lifetime licenses any more because it doesn't work, essentially it is creating a Ponzi scheme and a development debt that gets bigger with each license sold. We get paid once up front, but our development costs are ongoing. Personally I have spent 10's of '000s of $$$ on licenses from Microsoft, Adobe and others, in the last 20 years, none of which have any value any more, but as I gained value at the time, I feel that it's a fair deal. I now pay $75 per month for Adobe software, which might sound expensive, but it provides great value and their software is continually improving, so it's a price that I am happy to pay. UNA is the same, we are constantly improving our software, updating and adding new capabilities, we MUST do this, or else everyones sites will quickly fall into obsolescence. People want continuous evolution, and continuous evolution has a price.

    If we allowed people to resell their license, that would encourage a marketplace for undercutting UNA Pro subscriptions and ultimately send us broke, which would suck for everyone who relies on UNA to power their website.

    So for anyone who does have a permanent license, they should be stoked, it's the deal of the century, we hope that people utilise it and gain the value, but we cannot and will not be able to facilitate the reselling of those licenses.

    I hope this gives you some clarity on the situation.