Comment to 'Am I able to install two instances of UNA on same VPS server?'
  • No problems in this case. You may install both under the same Linux user.

    • Hi LeonidS

      At the moment, I have a single install. I am not seeing any settings within UNA that suggest it supports multisite on one install. Is there a tutorial on this anywhere?


      • Please specify then your task with more details. I thought you have the next situation: in one server you want to install 2 UNA sites with different domains and different folders. But seems this is not what did you mean?

        • Hi, my question concerns the term "multisite". The term when dealing with Content Management Systems (CMS) - "Multisite" is a type of CMS installation that allows you to create and manage a network of multiple websites from a single CMS dashboard.

          For example, I could install a single WordPress install but have multiple, separate and different sites from that single install.

          I was not referring to a two folder, the two-install situation from my original query.

          Sorry, I am unable to paste in links here to the meaning of "multisite" since my level won't allow me to post URLs. you can Google the meaning of "Multisite" in reference to CMS systems for a greater detail of understanding.
