Comment to 'Where can I get help to setup my site?'
  • I used to have Dolphin and now I have this.  Very much differnt as you say than Joomla and the price is also higher. I just want to see or feel that I have a site people can visit. I just installed it, and I am still wondering what to do next. 

    • I am working on a national social network for Cambodia, which is aimed to replace FaceBook. It also has services, where people can download forms and stuff from the government. Latest is public traffic cams that will be hooked up to the site, so people can sit and follow who drives like an idiot and who doesn't.

      I had some special needs. I was not able to do it with UNA, so I mixed Wordpress with UNA. This way I cut down costs on the modules. I also got the tip, that if one folder has too much traffic, it will slow the overall performance. So UNA is only the main engine and the social network. Everything else has own subdomains.
      This also has an advantage when it comes to people working with the site. Now I can divide people in to departments and not worry about them coming in conflict with each other.

      16 million users - it has to be a smooth running system.
      The most annoying part of UNA is when you need to do special things and you have to make changes in the code. There is no roadmap. But there is a community (here) and we try to help each other. One of the very helpful people is Master "Baloo". A true UNA master. He's like the Yoda of UNA.
      UNA is awesome. Learn the basics and then experiment. The learning curve is a little bumpy at times, but everything has a solution.

      • I appreciate your enthusiasm and I got you are going to make loads of money when you have your site finished but isnt it a pain having to start from scratch when other CMSs like joomla are so much way ahead and the options and extensions so many? I am very dissapointed that Dolphin will be discontinued in 23 but for what for UNA? Why didnt the smart heads built on something that already was there, why starting from scratch?  The number of devs and help in UNA is so small.... 

        • Oh I am annoyed with some(many) things. That's why I use Wordpress for most tasks. Wordpress has all the cool modules for free, where UNA - you have to pay expensively for most of the modules. With so heavy competition, UNA will not make any fast progress, with so little to offer.
          I also have to admit, that I am close to go full wordpress and use the social network system from there. I have my doubts that UNA will be mature enough for serious implementation anywhere in near future. Mobile App is highly needed. Still not finished. In WP the users can do mobile apps directly from a module for free in minutes.
          There are serious holes in the management of the concept, which is why I think UNA eventually will be abandoned and die. That's a risk I cannot take.