Comment to 'How to speed up video encoding?'
  • 1. Videos are added to the queue and processed one by one. At the same time only one vide os encoded.

    2. You can try to remove "h" param at all, it maybe it will work.

    3. Some browsers supports webm only this is the reason it's encoded to webm

    4. You have incorrectly encoded string, it will not work, also you need to rise bitrate as well, default bitrate is 512k, you can specify it as 'video_bitrate' option, for example:


    5. I think it shouldn't stretch the video to a bigger size if it's smaller, but it's better to try.

    • When you say remove all "h" param, do you mean like this?


      • No, like this:


        Please never edit this string directly, you need to use php functions unserialize to convert it to an array then edit php array then run serialize to make serialized array string.