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Any page where the messenger block is, the layout of the page is messed up and the navigation menu is gone in artificer using application view.

  • 504
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How can I make it so people can only share photos in the messenger as files?

  • 447
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After a person submits their email and password to create an account, it take them to a blank white screen. I can find anything in the error log. What could it be? The login works. I am using nginx. I think something happened after the update.

  • 583
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Does anyone know how to fix this jot error? It stopped connecting.

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https:// (site).com:5000/primus/info?_primuscb=Opc1zgp&t=170466632. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed). Status code: (null).

  • 567
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If I already have a virtualmin panel installed on a busy production server, can I still install docker and use it for UNA? Does docker with UNA need to be installed on an empty server?

  • 821
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If a person has a very long username, their name's text extends outside of the timeline's card and outside of the timeline block.

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How can I create more points of contact and interaction between people who don't know each other yet? Like matching, but it's more like new faces.

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Messenger shoutbox creating new shoutbox page when familiar people block is browsed through.

Put the messenger shoutbox on the homepage, then put the "Familiar People" block on the homepage. When people browse through the familiar people block, the page reloads and the messenger shoutbox becomes blank.

Then, on the actual messenger page you can see that it created a new thread for each time the arrows on the familiar people block was pressed.

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How can I remove "Log in" button on sign up form?

  • 862
Genesis Discussions
Messenger block messes up layout of page
How can I make it so the messenger can only share photos?
Blank white screen after creating account
messenger not connecting
Docker and UNA question
long usernames extend outside the timeline and outline cards