have a quick question...will there be an option in a future update to allow the clearing of all messages within the shoutbox without having to "delete lot" I have noticed issues with deleting lot in the shoutbox. An option to do basically a mass removal of all messages within the shoutbox would be a great one. Maybe even an option to do a scheduled purge of the shoutbox at a specific interval set by the admin.
Alexey - can you please review this?
it's a great idea. the messages are all stored in sql tables. i haven't looked to see if each shoutbox inherits its own column, or it just all writes into the same table sequentially across all shout boxes (for example i have a shout box on each group page to provide group chat). i would assume the home page shout box is the parent here, but maybe that's not how the architecture is set up..
We have this option in queue and it will be added to the version in nearest update https://github.com/unaio/jot-client-una/issues/97