Comment to 'When trying to "subscribe" to a paid plan with PayPal API - "Cannot perform the action. Please report."'
  • Leonidis there appears to be a coding issue since the last update.

    Paypal no longer works with memberships.
    I tried Stripe instead and the Stripe portal shows this error:

    resource_missing - line_items[0][price]

    The value you passed into the price field does not look like a price token. Are you sure you passed in a valid token for a price you created?

    If you are trying to reference a price object please visit our guide on creating prices to learn more.

    Otherwise, if you are trying to pass a raw amount you can use the price_data field to create prices inline.

    Below ""price": 

    "basic-1-year" appears in red in the logs implying that the coding is returning the name of the product instead of price.
    "payment_method_types": {
    "0": "card"
      "customer_email": "",
    "line_items": {
    "0": {
     "quantity": "1"
     "mode": "subscription",