No, we are not all new here, there are people who follow UNA since a few years, I am one of them. We can criticize, I have done so often too, but the oldest members can attest to the progress made in a very short time and if the oldest members are still here, I think I can say on behalf of all, that because we know that UNA has almost unlimited potential. He is his youthful disease, because he is still very young do not forget. Una Team, if I understood correctly victim of a success happened faster than expected, to summarize. It does not have to be easy to manage, which explains late periods. I understand that you need everything to work, especially when you pay, but hang in there, things will be unlocked and I think it's worth it. You can follow the progress here, when all the tickets are closed, then version one version (beta) is released, so very soon I think.