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Hello, maybe a good idea here. In case I want to reposition myself at the very beginning. I must click “See older comments” 500 times. I'm a new member, I want to read everything from the beginning, a button allowing me to go back would be welcome. What do you think ?


  • 1965
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Telegram offers this possibility in its options, I found it to be a very good idea that we could apply to UNA in the future.

What do you think ?


  • 2379
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It would be cool, if the choice here could be memorized. Personally I would stay on "Unread" 9/10ths of the time.


  • 2532
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It would be nice if we could search by badge.

Screenshot to better understand the interest.


  • 2696
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It would be nice if we could search by badge.

Screenshot to better understand the interest.


  • 2696
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Well, I searched for a few words to pay tribute to the work of UNA Team with this new version of UNA. while remembering these first stammerings. What fantastic progress! I am dazzled...

Here are those few words.

It took a long time but they got there

They count what they left there

Much more than feathers, whole pieces

And some even say a little identity

Yet she is in them this motionless force

Who pushes them forward, prevents them from sleeping

Always towards effort alongside pleasures

Until obsessing them with this unique mobile

To be the first, to be the first

To get up there, at the very end of the ladder

Like those black eagles that dominate the sky

To be the first, to be the first...

You are the best ! Many thanks to the whole team !

  • 2648
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It has been several times that I have lost a member because they have no control over who can comment on their personal photos, nor can they delete a comment they dislike.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but currently the only way for a member to delete a comment is to use the admin. When I explain this, the answer is often: "Well that's a shame, so I'm leaving the site". What I can understand ...

If there is a way to fix it, I haven't found it ...

Personal (portrait) photos are special objects, I think it was a mistake to treat them like everyone else, because you will find stupid comments at best, derogatory comments at worst.

A solution for this?

  • 4238
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I have seen that a lot of questions are asked about this. Trying to post a , and it doesn't work?
First check 3 things. Go to Studio => Host Tools => Files and folders permission.
You should have something like this:


Then, => Host Tools => Audit server
Check if is localized, you should see its version number and the libraries like this:


Check that Cron is working, you should have "Last run" <1 minutes:



On the server side (php.ini) side, these 3 values are important and ideally like this:
max_execution_time = 360
max_input_time = 360
memory_limit = 512M (minimum)
Important: The "upload_max_filesize" and "post_max_size" values of your server (php.ini) will always take precedence over the UNA settings.
If this works for small videos and not for bigger ones, you may need to increase the "Default cURL timeout" setting.You can find this setting at the bottom of the Studio => Developer page

It currently defaults to 10. It appears to depend on server bandwidth. Test 120 In my case I had to increase it to 300 for a 2 GB video.
Also, it can be useful to check if FFMPEG is not consuming too many resources, you can see this with the "htop" or"top" command. In my case, "Load average" went up to 8, although that didn't seem to be a problem, I preferred to limit.
This is possible with a utility such as "cpulimite".
Order example:
"cpulimit -e /your_path/plugins/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe -l 80"
-l 80 limit to 80% by adding the -v option, you can see it working and testing to find the right limit.


You can then create script and run it on startup via a cron job with something like:

@reboot /root/scripts/limitesCPU/

  • 6293
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I noticed this. The problem only occurs on a mix whose body width is in%, for example 85%. In this case, the title is hidden behind the video. This does not happen if the width is 1250px.

image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=4612&dpx=1&t=16121301091250 px


  • 4547
Baloo Discussions
Comments - Quick return to first post
Automatic deletion of the account after a period of X days if not connected
Inbox - Read - Unread - stored choice
Search by tag
To be the first
Member control over comments. (special cases of personal photos)