Hello Carl,
If you get push notifications about all activities on the site but don't get notifications only about new messages, then you need to check Jot Messenger settings and Notifications module. If push notifications option is enabled in Jot Messenger settings, you may try to disable push notifications about new messages in Talks in Notifications module. In this case push notification will be sent directly from Jot Messenger passing over Notifications module.
If you don't get push notifications about all activities from the site, then you need to check onesignal settings in OneSignal account and compare them with site's global push notifications settings.
Hi Alexey
I disabled Push notifications for new messages in Talks in the Notifications module and am still not getting anything.
I rechecked my Onesignal settings with APP ID and REST API KEY are the same saved into my settings for Messanger.
Would it be possible for someone to have a look for me? I have tried a few different things with no luck