Comment to 'Blank site after switching servers'
  • Hello Devin Young!

    Yes, Baloo right - you need to open your inc/ file and corrected values of the following constants to the actual values from the new server:

    define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT', '[actual value]'); ///< site path

    define('BX_DATABASE_HOST', '[actual value]'); ///< db host
    define('BX_DATABASE_SOCK', ''); ///< db socket
    define('BX_DATABASE_PORT', ''); ///< db port
    define('BX_DATABASE_USER', '[actual value]'); ///< db user
    define('BX_DATABASE_PASS', '[actual value]'); ///< db password
    define('BX_DATABASE_NAME', '[actual value]'); ///< db name

    define('BX_SYSTEM_FFMPEG', '[actual apth to UNA folder]plugins/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe'); ///< path to ffmpeg binary

    Also you should resetup your Cron Jobs. Also right after admin login - clear your caches via Stuido->Dashboard.

    With the best regards, Leonid