Some of youse might reckon I'm referring to...
Naw, that's IP... which is perfectly fine because it's a thing. And blackhole is a thing.
Now I am referring to...
Aye, that's member... which is not fine because it's people.
Erm, Polyglot is not enough. I bet you did not reckon of URL.
You can tell me to shut up, but you can't hush my frisky hands in American Sign Language and International Sign kept going on. You don't understand and you're angry? Not my problem!
Beware of Cultural Appropriate:
You need CBD toilet papers to keep calm your arse down, (middle finger in Japanese Sign Language - see red letters for meaning in the gif below)!
I ain't special, shit... I ain't narcissist. Am simply pointing out and helping AQBSoft's module to be more neutral. Is it wrong of me as ONE person as a minority fighting to ask for a change FOR THE COMMUNITY? I think not. You're welcome, Studio Members! And, thank you UNA!