A request to rename 'Black Lists' has been denied several months ago.
GitHub, Apple, Linux, Android, and many more... announced to change(d).
The term 'Black Lists' has negative connotations and can be seen as offensive when referring to people based on their race or ethnicity. Therefore, it's advisable to avoid using this term in any context that could be perceived as discriminatory or insensitive. Instead, consider using alternative phrasing such as...
Allow list/Disallow list
Pass list/Deny list
Permitted list/Restricted list
Inclusion list/Exclusion list
Our Deaf co-workers are Blacks, Natives, and People of Colour. This is embarrassing, please change.
For Whoever Object,
Usually are white males. Time to get y'all schooled...
You go by the first coined in computing? Come on,... look further in history of realities.
The first recorded usage of "blacklist" was during "the time of mass enslavement and forced deportation of Africans to work in European-held colonies in the Americas".
Someone addressed me "Karen"? Bwahaha... sorry, wrong name. Y'all put your wigs on. Game on, "ladies"! African American has been around since 338,000 years ago via DNA. Origin of DNA 'Eve' roughly 230,000 years ago. Aboriginals 80,000 years ago and oldest surviving food cultures 65,000 years ago. Slavery begun around 11,000 years ago. Roman Empire begun 2,051 years ago. Blame Christianity (religion begun 1,993 years ago), Islam (religion begun 1,413 years ago) and Judaism (religion begun 2,558 years ago). Roman Empire fell in year 476. During Middle Ages, pieces together and created Bible. Bible stated Adam and Eve happened around 6,000 years ago? Jesus' white horse's manure in their mouths and they all came from Mediterranean (Northern African/Southern Europeans/Middle Easterners). Yup, Romans were white supremacy... now the very same type (whitewash, control and money) were/are happening here in Americas and Australia. Again, slavery in America started in 1619? Blame them but mostly Christianity. Don't forget, idiot Puritans/Pilgrims captured any variant from the category of the norm was grounds for witchcraft or sorcery, that includes Deaf people with sign language(s). Today, there are over 730,000 signers, most still struggle with verbal people. I have no respect for bible/quran/torah, genocides, audism, racial and gender bias. In Satan We Trust, affirming our Constitutional Rights. Hail Satan!
Offense? Good! What did the European colonies do? They were illegal immigration in both lands and islands. Along with five centuries... forced displacement, ethnic cleansing, genocide 80-90 millions Natives. Master/Slave with Blacks in America and Aboriginals in Australia. Even today with police 'power' over civilians. Hell no, no one is above the law, period. First peoples have rights. Deaf peoples have rights. Women have rights. Black peoples have rights.
To run for countries:
India have their own race. China have their own race. Japan have their own race. Africa have their own race. Americas and Australia races taken away. All blood of European peoples, BACK THE XXXX OFF. You were/are limited to white corporate institutions. I empathised y'all. Still want white privileges? Go back to Europe. Scram! Aboriginal Leaders should be the ones to run for their land and islands. Native Chiefs should be the ones to run for this land and islands.
There is a reason why German-Language Amish people called American people "English." If you don't know American Sign Language, therefore, you are NOT an American, you are still an "English." Same goes for Australian, you are not a dinky di Australian, you are still an "English." Accept it hard. End of the discussion. Like I stated, "Just Shut Up & Cooperate".
Here are a couple of rightful Chiefs of Turtle Island...
"Hear me, people:
We have now to deal with another race - small and feeble when our fathers first met them, but now great and overbearing.
Strangely enough they have a mind to till the soil and the love of possession is a disease with them.
These people have made many rules that the rich may break but the poor may not.
They take their tithes from the poor and weak to support the rich and those who rule."
Chief Sitting Bull : Hunkpapa Lakota
Different Tribe, Different Language...
"Crowfoot stood and watched as the white man spread many one dollar bills on the ground.
“This is what the white man trades with; this is his buffalo robe. Just as you trade skins, we trade with these pieces of paper.”
When the white chief had laid all his money on the ground and shown how much he would give if the Indians would sign a treaty, Crowfoot took a handful of clay, made a ball out of it and put it on the fire. It did not crack. Then he said to the white man, Now put your money on the fire and see if it will last as long as the clay. The white man said, No…. my money will burn because it is made of paper. With an amused gleam in his eyes the old chief said, Oh, your money is not as good as our land, is it? The wind will blow it away; the fire will burn it; water will rot it. But nothing will destroy our land. You don’t make a very good trade.
Then with a smile, Crowfoot picked up a handful of sand from the river bank, handed it to the white man and said, You count the grains of sand in that while I count the money you give for the land. The white man said, I would not live long enough to count this, but you can count the money in a few minutes. Very well, said the wise Crowfoot, our land is more valuable than your money. It will last forever. It will not perish as long as the sun shines and the water flows, and through all the years it will give life to men and animals, and therefore we cannot sell the land.
It was put there by the Great Spirit and we cannot sell it because it does not really belong to us.
You can count your money and burn it with a nod of a buffalo’s head, but only the Great Spirit can count the grains of sand and the blades of grass on these plains. As a present we will give you anything you can take with you, but we cannot give you the land.”
Chief Crowfoot : Blackfoot Confederacy
Ugly Facts...
White Supremacy Since the Invasion...
- 543
Developer> Data Items> System> Content filter
Sixth and seventh has been added.
In Token, it appears to only show five to choose. Bug or how can we uncapped for sixth or more to choose?
Don't tell me that users can fix their content filter in their account settings. It's bloody stupid...
Say, a client is at work and by default R and X is already ticked. When one signed up and haven't had the chance to fix content filter. BOOM, got fired.
Say, a client is under 17 and by default R and X is already ticked. Who will be held accountability for exposure to underage? Use Content Filter with Date of Birth (JavaScript?), disable R and X for underage and enable R and X for adults but un-ticked by default.
Our site is for adults anyway. For NOW... please un-ticked R and X for everyone by default. Thank you!
Tested with 14.0.0-B1
Alter UNA database from MyISM to InnoDB.
Also, exception sys_localization_keys collate must be set to utf8mb4_bin is included here.
You may have more or less modules, just look in your database.
One Injection made easy. Copy ALL blue below, edit add/remove before paste into SQL in your phpmyadmin...
ALTER TABLE bx_acl_level_prices ENGINE=InnoDB;
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Developer> Forms> Data Items> System> Reactions
Add New Item
_sys_pre_lists_vote_reactions_psych <-- don't forget to add this to polyglot, Psych under English
Data <-- come back shortly
Open new tab
In $value =
array (
'use' => 'emoji',
'emoji' => ' 😛 ',
'icon' => 'fa-grin-tongue',
'color' => 'sys-colored col-gray',
'weight' => '1',)
Click Run code button
Place Result code in Data
- 898
Added a few icons and returns empty
'code-compare', 'rectangle-pro'
Por favour, update v6
Out of Stock? Have a bunch of bamboo, please take one. You're welcome!
In Studio page, tweaked one thing in CSS... all Apps widget to be hexagon-ed. <-- Don't mind me, just personal custom on my part.
Discovered that most language mods are outdated. If you are still using flag and rounded code, please update your language module(s) to current design like English, Spanish, and Russian in purple (they are already up-to-date).
Example... ZH, DA, NL, FI, FR, DE, HE, IT, JA, KO, NO, PL, SV, TH.
Don't care for Flag Widgets, they are confusing enough. Like France/Netherlands/Russia. It makes sense to display two-letter codes in widget since it's about languages, not art. Moreover, Language Mods should adopt UNA's minimalism coloured-code (#8B73AE) to better organise.
Thank you.
Numbers and street names are revealed, bad idea for Persons (and maybe some Organisations) profiles for security reason. Any way to hide that?
Could you please create 'Languages' in the launcher and move Polyglot under 'Languages'. That would be most welcoming for translators role.
So far, I'm liking new features and cool changes.
- 2888