Comment to 'Messenger works with delay and intermittence and sometime doesn't response '
  • Can you please describe in more details? 

    Do you mean when you open you see the same connecting.... title like on image above? If so, can you please open in another browser just for the test?

    • I try TOR browser, says "Audio and video error: navigator mediaDevices is undefined"  Kind of what we'd guess or expect I suppose.  I go to settings, does not give options for mic or camera.   I try Safari, which UNA doesn't display a way to login and misses some other stuff. I don't have Apple, just testing with browser. I don't and won't use Chrome, or certainly try hard not to.  But obviously the software is not finding, nor giving option for mic or camera device(s). Thanks. R.

      • Hi, I've seen that with UNA 11.0.3 Messenger has improved.

        I'll keep an eye out and I will let you know if I see unexpected behaviours in Messenger UNA.