Comment to 'Stripe Payments'
Comment to Stripe Payments
  • Hello, If you want to sell something on your site using Stripe you don't need to have Stripe Connect. You just need to install Payments and Market (and/or Paid Levels) apps, configure Stripe under a seller profile in User End -> Account -> Settings -> Payments -> Stripe and start to create products. First of all you need to create product in Stripe and then create similar in UNA Market entering Price API ID which was received in Stripe. That's all.

    • Hello 

      In new version of Stripe API they don't allow to enter API (Price) ID manually, they generate it automatically during product creation. Could you please check you Stripe account's Dashboard -> Products -> Select some product. You should see something like this:

      API ID is available to copy in Pricing block.

      • Screenshot of edit price details from my stripe account. I keep wondering why there is a difference product form. I am using una  payments and paid levels not market? Notice no API Id field. What type of account do you have? My is business with billing. No api reference anywhere. Is it possible that I have set up the wrong account type?

        • What is the User End? I can't understand this part. I couldn't find Account->Setting.