Comment to 'major malfunction unknown with images, videos...'
  • Videos on UNA simply doesn't work well right now. Whatever the case may be. I just don't use it on my platform.  Either that or build your own custom module that handles it. 

    • i'm gonna go out on the logical limb here and say the following very matter o factly., but without any anger in my words-
      if the button is there, it should work.
      if it doesn't work yet, the button is not ready to include in production, and should be marked clearly as "experimental, testing, or beta"
      okay so ..
      what do we know?
      uploadify exists in the plugin architecture included with una.
      a storage folder exists.
      storage folders for videos exist in the storage architecture tree, and have mysql entries.
      what is the actual issue?
      i didn't even realize this was a problem until a few site users requested "youtube style functionality," and I realized I'd been posting all my videos via SFTP, to another user directory, and then posting with embed codes. normal people do not open the source code and paste an embed from a developer api.
      so, we have a problem that needs to be collaboratively solved.
      lets handle it.