Comment to 'major malfunction unknown with images, videos...'
  • okay, i checked the apache error log the vhost shoots into the home dir along with analog stats and the https queries for the relevant vhosts home directory...

    i found some very interesting thing about collections and modSecurity... 

    and a bunch of similar entries..  this could be part of the problem, or perhaps not.

    but anytime there are errors, they are worth looking at


    • okay ive disabled apache mod security, and rebooted the web server, cleared una's caches...

      uploaded a new test video.. and tis been enqueed for 35 minutes..   an 85 meg video.

      still not working .....

      Chris , what should I be checking ?  not doing anything fancy, just using the video upload button... all php settings are significant, and well, i just would like this to work, i'm fine using iframe codes and sftp'ing videos but the people want this feature badly.  :)  I get asked about twice a week about it.

      • img 1: shows waiting for one hour

        img 2: what i see in the manage posts

        img 3: timeline without post not included, for it is anti-climactic. 😊


        note: i'm starting to wonder if grsec2 needs a rule about the path to the static ffmpeg.exe binary.. theres already a inherit learn rule about cron, for cron scripts that get passed to the main /etc crons, but i think crons runs per user sandboxed on my server ..  hmm.. ponder ponder.. so many variables..