Comment to 'How to use STMP to access third-party service providers?'
  • Hello @yichang !

    This info you may find in the Help settings of your SMTP module in Studio.

    SMTP authentication - most SMTP servers requires SMTP authentication, most probably you need to enable it.

    SMTP server name - is it better to send mail from your site SMTP server, so it is probably the name of your site or localhost.

    SMTP username/SMTP password - registered email account username and password, it is better to create different account for this purpose, like

    From name of the message - recipients will see this name as email sender, so it is probably your site name.

    Is your SMTP server requires secure connection - you can disable it if your hostname is localhost, secure connection is not needed if you send mails from localhost.

    Enable SMTP mailer - it is possible to disable SMTP mailer at all, for example if you have temporary problems with your SMTP server.

    Override default sender email address - set this the same as SMTP username email address, to avoid problems with mail marked as spam.

    You just need to fill all points in the Settings area