Comment to 'Error uploading any video'
  • So you can upload sounds and files that are over 8MB without any issues? The fact that you created a PHP.ini file with those sizes specified doesn't mean that UNA is using those settings. The best way to check is do what I explained above and see if the setting match in the Host Tools > Server Audit.
    If it is picking up your php.ini settings then, you will seem something like this in the server audit:
    upload_max_filesize = 103809024
    post_max_filesize  =  105906176

    • Sounds, Files are working fine up to 99mb. No issues there.

      ONLY video is not allowing anything whatsoever. I do the upload (With a 8mb video file) it works as you'd think, but once it goes back to video screen as pictured earlier, it shows that I didn't upload anything, and it says "a video is essential".