Comment to 'not able to update paid level module'
  • Hello travis k !

    The upgrade syntax in the Payment module has the following syntax:

    SET @iCategId = (SELECT `id` FROM `sys_options_categories` WHERE `name`=@sName LIMIT 1);

    DELETE FROM `sys_options` WHERE `name`='bx_acl_recurring_prioritize';

    INSERT INTO `sys_options` (`name`, `value`, `category_id`, `caption`, `type`, `check`, `check_params`, `check_error`, `extra`, `order`) VALUES

    ('bx_acl_recurring_prioritize', 'on', @iCategId, '_bx_acl_option_recurring_prioritize', 'checkbox', '', '', '', '', 2);

    So it seems smth was wrong with the execution of the first command in the given part. So you may try to do it again.