Comment to 'Developer Question: override for title'
  • I got lost in the web of UNA. As a java developer, UNA gives me stress headaches. It is sometimes it is easy, othertimes I'm a 'grep' and a few Monsters (energy drink) away from losing my mind.

    I accomplished my task by overriding in my SearchResult class of my module:

      function displayResultBlock ()
        $aData = $this->getSearchData();
        $sCode = '';
        if (count($aData) > 0) {
          $sCode = $this->addCustomParts();
          foreach ($aData as $iKey => $aValue) {
            $sCode .= str_replace('__sign__', $aValue['sign'], $this->displaySearchUnit($aValue));
        return $sCode;

    There maybe a easier way, or a more correct way, but at the expense of my sanity, I'm done looking. And actually, it works great.

    Obviously, I simply do a str_replace on each entry, so it works.