Comment to 'The power of taking people on a mystery journey.'
  • The key as someone has already pointed out, is: "looking after customers" and I feel too much emphises is on "the product" and not getting the customer to "operational happiness" with their site. Dolphin BTW i found far more userfriendly, and i actually preferred the layout too! UNA, while no doubt has huge potential, its not ready for me, right now. I dont want to go on a journey with the reputation and risk of a an established business. I want to be sold a destination, now! A deatination softwear spa! Where my every whim is catered for. That ill pay for. For "mass market" you'll need to make it significently more user friendly, otherwise, i cant see it happening. Remember, you don't need to have everything right, day one. But have whatever you have released as simply to build / edit as possible. A 'White Label Model" would be far better i feel. Start beautiful, simple and small, no un-tested "whistels and bells, and require a top programmer!!! Best of luck with UNA in the years ahead.