Comment to 'AWS migration / solved with local storage on and storing to mounted s3 space with riofs'
  • There is Scenario 1 - directory structure is exactly same as local in S3. 

    But the problem is in public/private setting for particular file in S3, to make it work you need to upload all files as public, but in this case all private files will be public, which maybe inappropriate for some situations. So some script is needed to mark particular files as private in S3 after moving. In the future we'll try to write some tool which will help with moving files between UNA filesystems.

    • There is Scenario 1 - directory structure is exactly same as local in S3. 

      But the problem is in public/private setting for particular file in S3, to make it work you need to upload all files as public, but in this case all private files will be public, which maybe inappropriate for some situations. So some script is needed to mark particular files as private in S3 after moving. In the future we'll try to write some tool which will help with moving files between UNA filesystems.

      Hi Alex T⚜️ I'm having the same structure on the cloud bucket. how can I make my local files public so that I can migrate from local storage to cloud storage?