Comment to '[Resolved] What is the proper way or guide of upgrading an existing UNA 9.0 to UNA 10.1 while maintaining studio configurations from UNA 9.0'
  • Hi I have managed to upgrade to UNA 10.1.0 but I am facing errors when I am trying to access the UNA website in lucid 9.0.4 theme.

    Fatal error: bx_import fatal error: class (BxTemplMenuMoreAuto) wasn't found in C:\xampp\htdocs\una\inc\ on line 722

    Fatal error: bx_import fatal error: class (BxTemplVoteLikes) wasn't found in C:\xampp\htdocs\una\inc\ on line 722

    It only works when I changed to protean. Upgraded from UNA 9.0.0 > 9.0.1 > 10.0.0> 10.1.0 Current versions: UNA 10.1.0, Lucid 9.0.4
    In addition, I have even added the missing files into the lucid scripts folder but it ended up having item_content_raw in all of the existing post and when liked or reacted there was no counter for the like or reaction appearing.
    I have noticed that those files stated missing in the error was missing in the lucid scripts folder but existed in protean scripts folder. I have also noticed that the lucid version is 9.04 instead of protean 10.0.4. I have also went to updates in the market but there is no option for me to upgrade lucid. Am I missing a step in upgrading here for lucid? Do I need to be logged in with the account that I have used to purchased the lucid module before I can see the update or to update it? Else if its not then may I know what are the proper and appropriate steps in doing so?