Comment to '[Resolved] What is the proper way or guide of upgrading an existing UNA 9.0 to UNA 10.1 while maintaining studio configurations from UNA 9.0'
  • Yes, I do have active subscription for the Lucid module but not under this account, does this means that if I switch to the account that has the key, secret key and active subscription, I would be able to update lucid to a version higher than my current one? Does this means that currently there is a version higher than lucid 9.0.4?

    • Yes, there is newer versions of Lucid app. 

      You can't use the same licence on more than 1 site, if you have several sites then you need several subscriptions. You can reset the license and register it again if your site domain or key&secret was changed.

      • I am currently working one one copy but I will be migrating it to another environment will that affect the subscription or license after migrating it? In addition, I have logged in with the account that I have used to purchase lucid and I noticed that I am able to download the lucid zip file. I would like to know if i can move the zip file downloaded from the UNA site and replace the existing lucid folder in my project will that work?. This is because when I clicked on the search in studio> app market even though I was logged in to the account I used to purchase lucid it indicates the the URL is missing etc. Is there a proper guide on how to upgrade lucid in this kind of situation or how to replace the key and license for lucid as you have mentioned?
        This is the link that gave me the URL missing error when clicked from studio>App Market>search