Comment to 'Any ideas on how to create a job listings market?'
  • "Forms" in Developer is what they call a "Form Builder". I still agree that there should be a proper form builder that is much less confusing and more friendly.
    My point was to make this simple tool user friendly and that would attract a larger crowd of users. Right now UNA is just an "out of the box" framework for Happy Coders. In my eyes - A half finished product with a lot of ambition that has spread too thin and is loosing quality. That's how most conquerors lost their empires.
    UNA is amazingly confusing. Reminds me of Monkey Island Adventure game, where you have to go here and there and sideways to do a simple task. And at each point you have to spend a month figuring out how that works. In between you can get tips and hints from different characters.
    UNA has an amazing potential and that is the main reason I stay with UNA - almost patiently.