Comment to 'Okay I tried - hard....'
  • I remember testing HumHub. Solid competition there. I think most people have something which they would like to have.
    They have a free spaces module, in which you can have a nice free wiki module. This wiki has categories. An address book is easy to make this way. A list of hospitals in the country is an easy task. But HumHub cannot easily be used as a personal blog. UNA can do this. I did one, but even there I found little hurdles, which - well are a thorn in the eye. I found patch solutions on my own and shared it here. Still - it took many working hours to tweak and part of the satisfaction in working with something, is that things can be built fast and easy. That is not the case with UNA. It's a slow slow process.
    My point is that this is not only about my personal needs, but also to be able to compete with the others out there. It's just those little things. Those little hurdles that could boost the whole UNA experience. Make it "the talk of the town".