Comment to 'Back in the day to today'
  • Yes, it's possible to create various limitations, approvals, etc... just making a point that @mentions is a seemingly trivial issue, but it carries a whole bunch of considerations and extra settings. We'll get to it anyway. :) It's needed.

    We really don't want to make our own WYSIWYG editor :) ... we did it back when we built early versions of Orca forum, but it was a mess. We plan on using Froala editor in the future, but generally, UNA can work with different editors. 

    I now understand you about the messenger notification link issue. Thanks!  


    • That's understandable.
      Sometimes newer is better, even though the concept with Orca back in the day was nice, looking back at it today tells a different story.
      Gotta start somewhere and in most cases it's not the best however improves over time which is why you are where you are today with implementing new technology into the product.