Comment to 'Header ERROR'
Comment to Header ERROR
  • Btasey  You need to check if your system is updated to the latest 10.0.0-B2 (as of now) and all modules are up to date, you can check it from Studio > Apps Market > Updates
    • It's fully upgraded/updated as of today. I logged in and received this error...

      Notice: Undefined index: author in /home/myaccount/mysite/modules/base/general/classes/BxBaseModGeneralModule.php on line 1237
      Notice: Undefined index: author in /home/myaccount/mysite/modules/base/general/classes/BxBaseModGeneralModule.php on line 1237
      Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/myaccount/mysite/modules/base/general/classes/BxBaseModGeneralModule.php:1237) in /home/myaccount/mysite/inc/classes/BxDolTemplate.php on line 2834
      Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/myaccount/mysite/modules/base/general/classes/BxBaseModGeneralModule.php:1237) in /home/myaccount/mysite/inc/classes/BxDolTemplate.php on line 2835
      Then, I went to studio and found that the system was upgraded automatically overnight to 10.0.0 B2 and all of the modules were updated as well.

      I'm sure I messed up a setting somehow, somewhere, but I don't know enough about it to know where or how. I did this a long time ago as I was first setting up the aesthetics of the site. At that time, I changed some things on the splash page, but it works fine. Otherwise, I only changed things within the program until this upgrade when I changed a line of code to allow upgrades to beta versions. I also chose to force auto-updates even if some files were modified, in hopes that it would overwrite these header errors with updated files.