Comment to 'Update don't apply'
  • "Last cron jobs execution" line will appear after update.

    Please check

    1) Make sure that MAILTO is on separate line: 
    * * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /home/myserver/

    2) patch to PHP (/usr/bin/php)  and your cron.php (/home/myserver/ is correct

    3) cron is setup under the same user which owns files 


      Hi Alex

      Thanx for answer.

      It kinda not helps because:

      1. I'm unable to make thees line separated. All I can do - to copy "two lined" text (exactly as UNA installation suggests) and to paste it into "Command" line in cron-job editor. And it became one line finally. If it SO important - dose it mean that UNA installation and cPanel cron-job editor are working on different protocols?

      2. Can't locate (/usr/bin/php) on my server (cPanel File menager). (/home/myserver/ -is correct.

      3. There is only one user on the server' for files, for administration, for DB.

      Once more - I've installed UNA CORRECT as described in installation, and i wonder why this can be  a problem.

      What next?