Hi @dreamlove
As far as I know, Captcha is a not required to access your admin side. You can still access your studio even with this Captcha issue in the frontend through this url: https://www[dot]yoursite[dot]com/studio
You are probably having this problem because you entered the wrong reCaptcha (from Google) public and private/secret key or you entered the ones from the hCaptcha (a reCaptcha alternative) while you set your UNA system to use reCaptcha or vice versa. I once made the same mistake. Please see: https://una.io/d/hcaptcha-not-working-in-una-13-b3
Which UNA version are you running? In any version previous to B4, Captcha settings are found in Studio > Settings > Site Security and in Studio > Developer. (You also need to select which Captcha to use in the Developer App)
From UNA B4, all the Captcha settings were moved to one place: Studio >Settings > Site Security.
Now, to answer your question on how to disable the captcha from the database, I can see that you meant the one on the Forgot Password page as shown on the screeshot, right? Please access your database, go to:
'sys_form_display_inputs' table > sys_forgot_password, then change the value of 'Active' from 1 to 0 (zero) to disable the captcha.
bonsoir UnEagle
J’ai la dernière version de UNA
Merci pour votre aide, j’ai fait ce que vous m’avez dit.
Il n’y a plus de CAPCHA
mais je ne reçois pas l’email pour changer le mot de passe.
Est-il possible de changer mon mot de passe sur la base de données.
J'ai reçu le mail, mais il me demande aussi le captcha pour valider mon mot de passe
To disable the captcha on the reset password page, you should do the same:
sys_form_display_inputs' table > sys_forgot_password_reset, then change the value of 'Active' from 1 to 0 (zero).