Comment to 'No Option/Permission for Standard Users to Invite to Groups'
  • Hello Five for A Change!

    Well, we consider that actions "Like" and share in social networks is enough for profiles. This actions are visible for profile's friends so group can be wide known not only for members there.

    With the best regards, Leonid

    • Leo,

      "Sharing" a page via the social links isn't the same as "Inviting" someone who is within the site itself.

      If I want to "Invite" someone to a group...they will have to be within my social site.

      If I want to share with someone outside the social site...the group has to be accessible to everyone. If it's not, then "Sharing" the group does me absolutely no good because it just give me an "Error" because it's not accessible outside of the social site.

      Aka you have to be a member to see it.

      Since my site is not 100% accessible to everyone. (The Blogs and Market are accessible to anyone).

      You have to be able to give permissions to members, to be able to "Invite" other members, to the groups that aren't accessible to those from the outside.

      So "Inviting" someone via "Sharing" is only possible if the groups are open to anyone...Otherwise, all you get is an error and a link people from the outside can't access.

      • Also, here's the error pic that I get when trying to "Share" a group that isn't accessible to non-members.