what's on line 131 and 158?
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/villageshaman/www.mytribes.net/public/modules/modzzz/newsrss/classes/MzNewsRssModule.php on line 131
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/villageshaman/www.mytribes.net/public/modules/modzzz/newsrss/classes/MzNewsRssModule.php on line 158
i really dont feel like playing with sql right now, haha :) is it because i had to populate categories inside the data lists of the forms plugin for Posts to see your module? otherwise, without having bought "newz" or "articles" the rss module literally would not work without extra programming, which is hard for most people to edit a database, even if its in a soft ajax java environment, admittedly una is a bit confusing i'd rather deal with configuring flat text files, its much easier. so i can see how that may help people out as well, if that was a bit cleaner - now that my brain is thinking about your software :)-
Post in messenger the RSS feed that you are importing from so I can take a look at the structure.
is one of them (matt has a full developer center at developer.write.as ) he uses structured json though.
slashdot.org is regular old atom 2.0 i think...