Comment to ' cdn & unfurling javascript locally...'
  • since I've never actually written a javascript app-  cant the code just live sandboxed inside the plugins directory?   i really dont understand the utility in calling it remotely... heres why:

    ok so we call it remotely to save space in the compiler or something because the instructions run a lot?

    or is there another reason ?

    because...  if thats the case, wouldnt it be faster to have the java locally stored like every single other site out there?  i mean, its in the public_plugins in my una site heirarchy, why does it need to be called from a url?  it cant instanciate itself without a trigger? thats definitely not it, this isnt wake on lan.  LOL.  

    so, please educate me, thanks Leonid.  :)  if you dont say anything i'll probably have read about it by the time you see this, but a responses for the others (and if i cant find it) would be appreciated.  thanks kindly, pleased be to advise. thx.