Comment to 'Private messages still going to shoutbox'
  • Has this issue been addressed yet? It is becoming a real issue. Seems the problem also seems to happen here on UNA. I send out messages and they go to totally different people.

    • Has this issue been addressed yet? It is becoming a real issue. Seems the problem also seems to happen here on UNA. I send out messages and they go to totally different people.

      I also noticed - on I chose one person to message, but another received the message. Happened on both mobile and desktop.

      • Hello!

        Under desktop do you mean Desktop  App or browsers on PC?

        • Hello!

          Under desktop do you mean Desktop  App or browsers on PC?

          Hi. A regular PC with a browser. On mobile as well. Sometimes it happens sometimes it doesn't. Haven't happened on my own Una installation yet, so I'm not overly concerned. It was an issue on Una.Io multiple times though