Comment to 'Changes in Studio go live immediately. Any way to do changes "in background" and update only later?'
  • Hello @David Pinter !

    Could you please specify which changes do you want to "hold on"? If you mean the template looks then some templates (like Lucid or Protean) have the mixes which can be shown only after the publishing.

    • It is literally all changes that take place in studio. Any time a content module is added, a link to it immediately goes live on multiple menus. If you are building on a page and a raw block is added, it is immediately added to a page and you have to change it very quickly so people don't see it, etc., etc.

      There is no building behind the scenes, being able to preview it and then publish it to the live site. Everything is done in real time.

      • Hello @Corey Dozier !

        This is the way how the Web works - the HTML / CSS / PHP / Javascript changes make the instant effect. The only quite safe way for that - just have the copy of the site in the subfolder and make the changes there first.