About albums

Hello Leonid,

I prepared a small script to create a default photo album for all new users. This album will be used to keep the members ID infos proving that they are doctors.

It checks if the user  has an approved email and gets the profile_ids from there, then checks the bx_albums_albums table for the the author and album title combination.

(as I see profile _id is represented as author field in bx_albums_albums. )

If they don`t exist it creates the album by adding the record to the bx_albums_albums with  "only me" visibility for the user.

It seems everything works  fine at the end.

I will put this to cron job to check regulary new users and create the default photo albums.

My question is, is it enough to add to bx_albums_albums to create an album or do I need to update some other tables with any info?

PS: I tried for a deault group membership for every user but the structure of the groups seems like more complex :)

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Replies (1)
    • is it enough to add to bx_albums_albums to create an album or do I need to update some other tables with any info?


       I tried for a default group membership for every user but the structure of the groups seems like more complex :)

      Groups require additional record in sys_profiles table.

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