Ad module not working

is it possible to reinstall the ad module  . I am unable to make it active and every time i try to make it active it triggers an error from TMD hosting where I have setup my site.
Im still building the site but close to upgrade to a premium version.

Please forward to the appropriate tech support

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Replies (7)
    • Hello, are you going to studio > Ad > Actions wheel on far upper right > and then clicking "Active?"

      • Yes I click to make active but it reverts to not active. In turn it triggers the error email I attached

        It's a mystery to me.

        • Since it is inactive - can you uninstall and delete it. Then download and install again

          • I've uninstalled the ad module - and and now trying to re install the module and seems to be taking
            a long time. Just the same error email as before so maybe i will need to contact the Techies at TMD as this might be a server side problem .Thanks for the help guys I will post the outcome.

            • Oh snap, have you your keys here?

              • Ok I fixed it -
                I went into Cpanel > file manager .

                >Boonex>ads >classes.>.renamed BxAdsModule.php to old
                Reinstalled the admodule


                • Hi all!

                  Sometimes it may happen due to passed upgrade steps or several reinstallations of the module. To fix this issue you need to apply the following MySQL queries (backup UNA database before):

                  delete FROM `bx_timeline_handlers` WHERE `group` like 'bx_ads%';

                  delete FROM `sys_alerts` WHERE `unit` like 'bx_ads%';

                  delete FROM `bx_notifications_handlers` WHERE `alert_unit` like 'bx_ads%';

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