Anyone can help me with a menu?
Hi, can anyone tell me how to make the menu this way on my site as it is here and in the picture? Is this a plugin or setup in the admin panel? And how do I make the posts rank here one by one because it's not right for me?
Thanks for help.
- · James Cherry
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Answered here:
Answered here:
Hello. Can you tell me where is that menu, please?
Studio > Pages > [select page you want it on / Homepage] > Add Blocks > System > [scroll to bottom] Profile Stats
Studio > Pages > [select page you want it on / Homepage] > Add Blocks > System > [scroll to bottom] Profile Stats
I add, but where is settings for left/right? How can i edit blocks to edit or left side?
Within the same Pages module. Just drag-n-drop. Redecorate until you're happy with it.
You'll have to do some playing around and testing to get comfortable with this software. Trial and error. Search these discussions when you have a question, LOTS of info here.
You help me a lot, really.
Thank you so much, better support.
- · brannik
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Excuse me, buddy. One more question.
How to reduce size on the boxes? Profiles stats box in left site its a big. Here is small and look nice.
In reply to brannik
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Hello brannik !
If you want to reduce the number of items in this block it can be done via Studio->Navigation->System->Profile stats area.
brannik if it's the column size you're talking about, you will need to go to the Settings of the page you want to change, and then select Layout.
Keeps Leonids direction in mind, you will likely want to modify what is shown to your users, and in what order.