Backup Una __ toolbox? backup plan? mirror una?

what is the best backup plan for all data?

Toolbox what i can roll back with toolbox? 

  • 1. Settings - sys_options_types, sys_options_categories, sys_options, sys_options_mixes and sys_options_mixes2options tables.
    2. Pages - sys_pages_types, sys_pages_layouts, sys_objects_page, sys_pages_design_boxes and sys_pages_blocks tables.
    3. Menus - sys_menu_templates, sys_objects_menu, sys_menu_sets and sys_menu_items tables.
    4. Forms - sys_objects_form, sys_form_displays, sys_form_inputs, sys_form_display_inputs and sys_labels tables.
    5.Data Lists - sys_form_pre_lists and sys_form_pre_values tables.
    6. Search - sys_objects_search_extended and sys_search_extended_fields tables.
    7. Permissions - sys_acl_actions, sys_acl_actions_track, sys_acl_levels, sys_acl_levels_members and sys_acl_matrix tables.
    8. Grids - sys_objects_grid, sys_grid_fields and sys_grid_actions tables.
  • Tracker - this tool allows you to check which files were modified. See screenshot №5. It allows you to understand whether auto-updates will work or not.

is there also a backup for discussions? events? can i backup with this albums (pictures), sounds? and so on

yesterday i wanted to update my php 5.6 to 7.2. all was gone. it was terrible for our group to lost all.

i need a good way to handle the backup for all data in the future

what should i do?

is it possible to write back the ftp data?

is there a way to mirror una?

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