Cannot activate contact module

I can't activate the contact module with UNA 14-b. Error is:

There are errors in the following MySQL queries:
Error: Duplicate entry 'contact' for key 'uri'

INSERT INTO `sys_objects_page`(`object`, `title_system`, `title`, `module`, `layout_id`, `visible_for_levels`, `visible_for_levels_editable`, `uri`, `url`, `meta_description`, `meta_keywords`, `meta_robots`, `cache_lifetime`, `cache_editable`, `deletable`, `override_class_name`, `override_class_file`) VALUES('bx_contact_contact', '_bx_contact_page_title_sys_contact', '_bx_contact_page_title_contact', @sName, 5, 2147483647, 1, 'contact', 'page.php?i=contact', '', '', '', 0, 1, 0, '', '');
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Replies (7)
    • Hello @Billy !

      It's strange that the following query from the disable.sql couldn't be completed:

      DELETE FROM `sys_objects_page` WHERE `module` = 'bx_contact';

      Try to run it manually and activate again.

      • Yeah I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling and I'm good now.

        • I thought I fixed this. Turns out I did not. When I try to install the contact app I get:

          There are errors in the following MySQL queries:

          Error: Duplicate entry 'contact' for key 'uri'

          INSERT INTO `sys_objects_page`(`object`, `title_system`, `title`, `module`, `layout_id`, `visible_for_levels`, `visible_for_levels_editable`, `uri`, `url`, `meta_description`, `meta_keywords`, `meta_robots`, `cache_lifetime`, `cache_editable`, `deletable`, `override_class_name`, `override_class_file`) VALUES('bx_contact_contact', '_bx_contact_page_title_sys_contact', '_bx_contact_page_title_contact', @sName, 5, 2147483647, 1, 'contact', 'page.php?i=contact', '', '', '', 0, 1, 0, '', '');

          • Ah, I already had a page called contact. A good future update @LeonidS might be to make it so that the Contact app creates contact-1 if contact already exists.

            • Hi see if anyone can give us a help, I have no idea how this Contact app work, didn't mention members where the contact email located or area they can send email to site admin.

              • Hello @Ariel !

                By default, the Contact page is the page with the form the user fills with his/her messages (the URL is UNA site/page/contact). Those messages will be sent to the site's admin email. In this way, the site email will be hidden from the accidental guests :-)

                • Hi @LeonidS

                  Gotcha, this contact is existing on my site footer. Thanks

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