Change Default Time Zone

Is there a way to change default 'time zone' in "Add Events"? At this point I can not find a way to edit the default field.  I want the default time zone to be America/New_York.  Is there a way to limit the time zone to just one selection?

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Replies (5)
    • Also when I go to Forms Edit, it does not allow me to choose a default timezone or view the list...

      • This list is generated automatically, however you can set default value there by executing the following query:

        UPDATE  `sys_form_inputs` SET  `value` =  'America/New_York' WHERE  `object` = 'bx_event' AND `name` = 'timezone' LIMIT 1 ;
        • It worked, thank  you... is there a way to remove other selections and keep only america/ new york?

          • You can add "raw' block to event creation page with the following content to delete all values except one:

            $('select[name="timezone"] option:not([value="America/New_York"])').remove();
            • Thank you, worked perfectly 😎

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