Comment Class Names
I recently discovered this nifty class name ".cmt-aml-administrator" which is used for comment containers within comment sections.
My question is, how can I make this more personal per-user, such as going from
<li id="cmt1" class="cmt cmt-mine cmt-aml-administrator mb-4">
to something like
<li id="cmt1" class="cmt cmt-mine cmt-aml-administrator persons-id-1 mb-4">
Where "persons-id-1" reflects the comment owners Persons ID number. I know this would require code edits, but I'm unsure where to start looking for this change I desire.
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Hello @LoneTreeLeaf !
This part is formed in the BxBaseCmts::getComment method byu the following code:
$aAuthorAcl = BxDolAcl::getInstance()->getMemberMembershipInfo($aCmt['cmt_author_id']); if(!empty($aAuthorAcl) && isset($this->_aAclId2Name[$aAuthorAcl['id']])) $sClass .= ' ' . $this->_sStylePrefix . '-aml-' . $this->_aAclId2Name[$aAuthorAcl['id']];
So you may redeclare this method in the BxTemplCmts class of your template and include your own addons to this set.