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When an admin removes a category from an module, let's say the Photos module, it should bring up a form to allow the admin to move all photos falling under this soon to be deleted category over to something more relevant.

Instead, what happens now, if an admin deletes a category, all photos are left with a blank category and in the database it's still using the CAT ID of a now deleted category.

So let's say I had 2 category that I recently found were redundant to keep them both.

Category one is: Animals

Category two is: Cats

I want to get rid of "Cats" and just have people use the general "Animals" category.

What I have to do is delete the category "Cats" and go into the database to mass edit every photo "cat" id to the desired one using a SQL command.

UPDATE `bx_photos_entries` SET `cat` = "10" WHERE `cat` = "12";

For me, this is easy, and it takes the burden off my userbase for having to do this. However, not everyone is a SQL wizard or knows how to work something akin to phpMyAdmin. So with that being said, is this possible that we can add this as a feature to the category deletion prompt for all UNA modules that use categories?

  • 3342
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So I've noticed when users sets their context to hidden, when searching content by "Hidden" it return 0 results despite the Manage Block stating that there is hidden content.

If no results are to be found when searching by "Hidden", how are moderators suppose go about this process?

As an example, when the Photos section under the Manage Block states there's X amount of items hidden, if you click into the Administration Photos page, and search by hidden, nothing is shown. If this is intended, what's the point of having this as a searchable toggle?

  • 873
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I recently discovered this nifty class name ".cmt-aml-administrator" which is used for comment containers within comment sections.

My question is, how can I make this more personal per-user, such as going from

<li id="cmt1" class="cmt cmt-mine cmt-aml-administrator mb-4">

to something like

<li id="cmt1" class="cmt cmt-mine cmt-aml-administrator persons-id-1 mb-4">

Where "persons-id-1" reflects the comment owners Persons ID number. I know this would require code edits, but I'm unsure where to start looking for this change I desire.

  • 1524
Reposted LoneTreeLeaf's discussion.

I recently noticed that if photos within an album get any kind of interactions that would normally send the context owner a notification, it doesn't.

When someone comments on a photo within the album, no notification.

If someone leaves a like on the photo within the album, no notification.

The only time when someone gets a notification about the album (not its contents) is when someone comments or likes the overall album itself.

Is this a bug or intended?

  • 1542
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When on mobile, it's impossible for users to reorder their media by tap and holding the hamburger icon as it prompts for the context menu rather than initializing the drag function like on Desktop.

  • 1133
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I've been getting an influx of reports that when some one tries to embed a video on their profile (using the HTML editor I enabled), their HTML code is swapped upon save of their profile information to youtube-nocookie.com/embed/VIDEO?rel=0 when the intended outcome should be youtube.com/embed/VIDEO?autoplay=1

What filter is causing this on UNA v14.x?

As an admin/moderator, this does not impact us.

  • 1387
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I've noticed that if I set limits on how many actions can be performed after a given set of time has passed, for example, posting 5 feed items every 1 hour, the message prompted to users is displayed as a ISO 8601 value rather than something that's understandable by humans that are not fluent in these things.

An example, when the user has reached their limit of actions, instead of it displaying in a standard time, it prints off as 2024-07-06T21:40:00+0000 that they will be able to once again perform actions.

I'm unsure if this is just a configuration mishap on my part or it's something that the UNA core is doing.

  • 470
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It was recently reported to me from a Premium user that they were getting the file size limit I have set for the "Standard" user role.

I had Standard user member set to only allow up to 6MB in file size while Premium users were using the server-limit I set of 18MB, however the Premium member was only able to upload up to 6MB file sizes, anything higher would result in a broken file/image.

This doesn't make sense to me how these settings are bleeding in to one another when we're given the option to set the file size limit for uploading per user role.


I'm running version: 14.0.0-B1

  • 515
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From what I can tell, after a poll has ran its course, there is no way to close the poll to prevent future voting. The only way that I can tell to cease voting is by deleting the poll entirely or having it set to where only I can view it.

This prevents us from having historical data to show community votes, can we get a feature added to the Poll application to allow for owners of a Poll to manually close it out to prevent future votes when their deadline hits for the poll?

  • 593
LoneTreeLeaf Discussions
[Suggestion] Deleted Categories Migration
Moderation Question
Comment Class Names
[Mobile Bug] Cannot Reorder Media in Albums
YouTube embeds have their url swapped for non-admins.
Limiting actions per set hours timestamp.