Commision questions

I had some quick questions about commissions. 

If you have similar questions see Anton's answer below. 

Is it only doable using stripe/credits? 

What does the Installment mean? 

When using credits, if a customer wants to do a refund are credits able to be taken away (this was a dumb question, they could always withdraw them, but then they would not get full amount back though)? 

If using credits, will commission % deduct on purchase from a seller or when withdrawing? I am hoping only when the purchase is made and not on the final withdraw. 

I think credits may get confusing for people, I do however think it would make people feel more comfortable paying the site and then using credits vs direct to the seller. So I am at odds what I think I should do. What have you guys done and what would you recommend?


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Replies (8)
    • If you are using the Credits module then every you can take a percentage off everytime credits are cashed in. Its a great source of revenue to help maintain server fees etc, but it also puts all the responsibility of disputes and refunds on you as the owner of the site. It really goes down to you as the owner. Do you want to have a more personal relationship with your users or do you have thousands of users and dont want to necissarily deal with disputes and transactions.

      • Thank you for your insight. 

        • So does anyone know what installments are and if commissions works in other areas other then stripe and credits or still as I am reading in the older posts? LeonidS 

          • Hello
            Commissions are applied to all payments. A seller on your site got some money from the other members during the last month using any payment provider which you've enabled in Studio -> Payments. You can get commissions (Percentage and/or Installment) by  auto generating an invice which should be paid by seller.

            Installment -  is a fixed amount. For example, if a seller sold something during the last moth he should pay $10 as commission. In this case it doesn't matter how may sales the seller had during the period.

            When Percentage is used a seller should pay some % from total amount  of accepted payments.

            When using credits, if a customer wants to do a refund are credits able to be taken away (this was a dumb question, they could always withdraw them, but then they would not get full amount back though)?

            You are a site owner and you can decide when and how a seller can withdraw collected credits. For example, you may require to have some minimum credits balance which cannot be withdrawn. 

            If using credits, will commission % deduct on purchase from a seller or when withdrawing? I am hoping only when the purchase is made and not on the final withdraw. 

            There are 2 conversion rates: 'Conversion rate to pay with credits' and 'Conversion rate to withdraw credits'. The first one is like a commission from each payment. The second one is like a commission from total amount  of accepted payments which is collected when a seller decides to withdraw.

            • Thank you for the detailed response. Anton L Do those invoices take payment automatically at time of purchase, monthly, or does it just bill the seller and they pay whenever?

              • You are welcome. Auto generated invoice is a bill which is sent to a seller and he can pay it anytime.

                • Thank you, Anton L,That could be an issue, if people do not pay the commissions, and legal stuff to worry about. Is there any plans to improve this in the future to auto bill the commission at least and then we can give the seller a disclaimer. Maybe the ability to atleast set it to auto pull a certain amount of time after. I personally will be utilizing Msolution's modules, gigs and fans only, So these are more at the time of service transactions. I could see people just pulling their product etc and ignoring the invoices. I am guessing this is why Stripe was recommended. I do not think you can do this with Paypal. I do like the invoice system because it gives the customers time and trust, but I see it being able to be abused as well. To combat this I could just charge for credits and forget commissions, but there is no good system in place for sellers to withdraw. From what I see on posts, we get an email, we message the customer, and no where does it say how to send money and take credits away from the seller after. Obviously I could send the money direct through my business Paypal, but how would I remove the credits from the credits holder after? So many steps if a site were to grow. 

                  • Hello 

                    That could be an issue, if people do not pay the commissions, and legal stuff to worry about. 

                    Yes, the stuff should take some actions manually (contact the seller, may be accept the payment manually, suspend the seller in extreme case, etc) if the invoice was overdue. But don't think it's a big problem. If seller created products, posted them and has been getting money he don't want to lose all of this.

                    Maybe the ability to atleast set it to auto pull a certain amount of time after. 

                    To make auto pull we need to create a subscription, but there is no a definite amount which can be used for subscription. The main idea of invoicing system is to take a percent from total amount received by a seller during a period. If you have a definite price for a seller to  allow him to sell products on your site then you just need to use Membership levels. Create a paid level for sellers which allows to sell and they would need to subscribe it. So, you'll get auto payments from sellers.

                    From what I see on posts, we get an email, we message the customer, and no where does it say how to send money and take credits away from the seller after. Obviously I could send the money direct through my business Paypal, but how would I remove the credits from the credits holder after?

                    Yes, in the current version a seller should request withdraw by submitting the following form (Dashboard -> Credits -> My History page,

                    Site owner should process it in any way which will be convenient for both of them. After that he should 'confirm the withdraw' on the site (Dashboard -> Credits -> All History page, and it will deduct the requested amount of creadits from seller's balance.

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