Cron will not stop sending "empty" emails.

I just have one cron job for my UNA site and it suddenly sends me an empty email every minute. I actually need the cron as a signal that certain kinds of content have been processed. Any ideas?

There is a lot of cron related things in the Modules folder so I tried replacing it - with no success.

As is often the case, things which seem to be easy turn out to be daunting. Even my Hosting Service could not stop it. Can you?

Hello, Thank you for your patience up to now.

We would like to inform you that we've checked your cron job, and found that the result of the execution it is the empty string:

We tried do modify the cron job in order to resolve the issue but without any success.

So, unfortunately, we can't help you with this issue.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us again if we could be of any further assistance!

Best Regards,

Arthur V

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